What is a Hypothesis?

To understand what Hypothesis is and how we use the Hypothesis method we need some background information.

Let’s start, by learning about the Scientific Method.

The Scientific Method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry is commonly based on empirical or measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.

The Oxford Dictionary Online defines the scientific method as “a method or procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses”.

A hypothesis is a potential answer to the question, one that can somehow be tested.

The hypothesis is not necessarily the right explanation or the ONLY explanation. Instead, it’s a possible explanation that we can test to see if it is likely correct or how correct, or if we need to make a new hypothesis.

Experiments are a procedure (s) designed to test a hypotheses. Experiments are an important tool of the scientific method.  For a deeper understanding, you can watch a quick video here.

A box of Experiments

What I hope you see is that there is a direct connection between scientific method and the empirical processes of agile. There is no accident in the intentions of the scientific community and the agile community.  We are both based in the understanding that continual learning and adaption through hypothetical research and analysis is the best way to solve problems.

You may ask; “How can hypothesis-based learning help in solution development’?

To understand more clearly, let’s define a hypothesis, or a working definition we can use.

A working hypothesis is: a hypothesis is provisionally accepted as a basis for further research in the hope that a tenable theory will be produced, even if the hypothesis ultimately fails. Like all hypotheses, a working hypothesis is constructed as a statement of expectations, which can be linked to the exploratory research purpose in empirical investigation and is often used as a conceptual framework in qualitative research.

In agile, we talk about taking risk, failing fast, and learning.  These are all very consistent with the Scientific Method and the use of hypothesis.

There are also extreme cases of using this method as a form of Research & Develop in software and system solution development. There are corollary methods that further support these in large enterprises but know that the method is very popular in agile and your use of it will help your team drive innovation and new ways of solving problems.  Most importantly, it forces us to stop the ‘Big Upfront Design’ that so often hinders team’s abilities to do the right thing AND the best thing for the business.

When all is said and done, the use of hypothesis based work drives the most important part of agile and other solution development methods, it creates #learnings or #knowledge and we cannot ignore how important that is to teams and those who are charged with forming and leading them, as well as measuring their performance.

What is your theory? Are you putting it to the test in your daily work?

In future posts, I will expand more on learnings from Hypothesis Driven Development, and from Hypothesis Driven Improvement.


Some Coaching/Consulting Tips

As an apology for failing to keep up with some blogging, I am re-posting from a private blog where I had been active and sharing some other insights!

Hopefully these is some value in sharing some materials/books/articles videos that I use, read, found helpful etc.  If you don’t find these valuable let me know, I will avoid posting things like this in the future, but I often refer new agile coaches and leaders to review some of this content.

The Box Of Crayons Website and the book The Coaching Habit. The book is an easy read/listen, and even if you are not a coach, you will probably find value, especially as it relates to resistance to your efforts, whether they be sales related or helping bring about #Kaizen (good change)

The Box of Crayons

Above the Line – Keep yourself there! (Just watch the video, it is 3:35)

Zig Ziglar (Having some good one liners, or wisdom is always great!) Video 2

Advice from Einstein to his son on how to learn fastI am very pleased that you find joy with the piano. This and carpentry are in my opinion for your age the best pursuits, better even than school. Because those are things which fit a young person such as you very well. Mainly play the things on the piano which please you, even if the teacher does not assign those. That is the way to learn the most, that when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don’t notice that the time passes. I am sometimes so wrapped up in my work that I forget about the noon meal. . . .

Free Daily (Technology & others) Books

Free Training on Many Topics

Khan Academy

I hope these provide you as much value as they have provided me over the years!

Batch Size

In the world of Agile & Lean, as in the world in general, the likelihood of successfully completing something is based on how you manage the work, which ultimately is about how you break it into manageable, achievable units, then go about completing it.

Batch size is nothing more than the common units of work.  In Agile and Lean the most common unit size is a story or a ‘unit’ and the most common batch is 1.

It is, however, only a starting point, as the video attached to this will demonstrate, with a bit of humor!

We would rarely see a team only commit to 1 story in an iteration.  Likewise would not see a plant or other system focus on delivering only one unit of something, due to the trade off of waste associated with it.

However, when we think about applying a Work in Progress Limit (WIP) and batch size together, we can easily see a more manageable way of working using a consistent unit size and a common batch approach.  In Agile (or Lean Software Development generally) the unit is a Story and the batch is Capacity, where Capacity = Velocity – Adjustments.

Velocity helps us better understand our batch size, by team, while stories are normalized into workable value unit sizing.  This is also scalable for multiple teams, or multiple iterations, so larger organizations, projects or programs can begin to make large efforts work within the normal constraints that we place on agile teams.  This is a powerful approach to delivering large value proposition work into large or small enterprises.

The other component of batch size that is of extreme importance to Lean & Agile teams and organizations is the size of their batches will determine their ability to pivot, which ultimately means they will be more or less nimble (agile).  The ability to move in a different direction, either by learning, adjusting or failing fast is what allows the perception of business agility.

The Video is here:

Agile & Lean

What is and what is not, in the simple words and thoughts of a lifelong learner, creative professional and an incorrigible ‘failer‘ (not failure!).


1. Able to move quickly and easily.  Synonyms: nimble, lithe, supple, limber, acrobatic, fleet-footed, light-footed, light on one’s feet;

2. Relating to or denoting a method of project management, used especially for software development, that is characterized by the division of tasks into short phases of work and frequent reassessment and adaptation of plans.



1. Be in or move into a sloping position. Synonyms: slant, incline, bend, tilt, be at an angle, slope, tip, list


1. A deviation from the perpendicular; an inclination.

Some people believe that businesses are lean or agile, or that teams are lean or agile.  The truth is that we assign these individual traits to collections.  Only living, sentient beings can be agile or lean.  You must be able to plandocheck and adjust (PDCA  or Demming Method) your behaviors and actions based on learnings from previous outcomes!

If a collection is described as lean or agile they must have more people in the organization that have these traits than people who do not, or the leadership(empirical) who have an overwhelming impact on the others, is strongly aligned to these traits.

Two quick examples:

Microsoft with Steve Ballmer as the leader was not considered ‘Innovative’ even though they had products that were.

Microsoft under Satya Nadella is considered innovative and they have many products and services that are innovative and agile. In fact, some tech blogs are now saying Microsoft is moving too fast with Windows 10!


With this established as a baseline, I now feel comfortable explaining how and why I embrace Agile and Lean, as well as how it ties into the Lego world, to me!

Lego Serious Play is about learning by doing (Kinesthetic Learning), it is by it’s very nature empirical, in other words, you move forward by learning and doing.  It is experiential learning!  The power of this type of learning is nothing short of incredible.

The graphic below is an excellent articulation of the nature of experiential learning and the ability to learn, grow and make better decision, more effective planning/strategy and execution.  I look forward to dialogue in this group!

Kinesthetic Learning is applying knowledge, from the image above, outside of it’s boundary to try to apply it to new things.  Simple examples, a ‘cordless’ phone used to mean a phone with a local receiver and base station.  That boundary was moved into a new paradigm.  Solving the first problem, lead to the second solution, what we call a cell phone today.  You could easy apply the same model to mobile computing!


Work in Progress (WIP)

WIP is an important concept in Lean and Agile.

By definition, WIP is: a form of inventory, usually unfinished goods which still require further work, processing, assembly and or inspection. This type of inventory is usually found within steps or sub-processes of a production process. Only raw materials which have commenced to move through their value adding processes can be classified as WIP.  Raw materials which have still not been worked with are still classified as raw materials. Work in progress is usually the major type of inventory in a one bin or two bin system.

Why #WIP is Important
Work in progress is considered a type of waste just like inventory, as it ties up cash for a certain period of time which could be generating higher returns elsewhere in the organization. In a large manufacturing facility even small amounts of #WIP can add up to a large sums of capital locked up in this type of inventory.

In the #agile world this means simply, #WIP limits delivery of Value, something critical to successful agile teams.

The presence of unnecessary work in progress can also be an indicator of an unreliable supply chain, lack of proper production planning, excessive manual labor required in the production process, production line balancing or supply chain which are causing unnecessary delays and build-up of work in progress inventory. This may warrant further analysis. An efficient productive system should only pull materials through when needed , without the need for much #WIP. This is the concept of Just in Time and is what ultimately led to the utilization of #KANBAN Systems (Kanban Boards)

In the #agile world, this is realized in a number of ways, but essentially it comes down to Spent Costs, which further dissuades teams from focusing on value and instead has them focus on non-economic drivers. This is also an inhibitor to moving quickly to MORE valuable work because people and resources are over utilized on non-value realized work.

In the agile world this is critically important to ensuring teams complete their work within a time box (Sprint, Iteration, Increment, Release).  In order to ensure that the team consistently delivers value and has good Flow, the teams Focus on a few stories at a time, they limit #WIP

Work in progress also presents a business risk to the company because #WIP will usually be stored on the factory floor, close to machinery, plant and equipment and also mobile equipment traffic areas.

The video below provides a good understanding of optimizing a system for flow, rather than applying traditional management thinking since often the system has a number of sub optimal processes or work units. We want adjustments and value to be understood in terms of the entire system used to deliver the value. This type of thinking is commonly referred to as #Systems Thinking and there are a number of management models and books on the topic.

In my next post I will talk about a corollary to #WIP called #batch size.

Until then, enjoy this video!