Part II
5 Common (and wrong) Expectations of a SAFe® Transformation

Guest Blog for Icon Agility
We don’t train agile, we train people!
Businesses Aren’t Agile, or Innovative or…
Happy New Year’s all!
Welcome to 2019, the year our company, The ABC Company finally masters #Agile or #Innovation of any of a myriad of other #buzz words!
Anyone who has worked in the corporate world in their career has probably heard a speech like that. It is usually a ‘C’ Suite leader extolling the virtues of the latest ‘fad’ whether the benefits were real or not.
In the 90’s it was about Total Quality Management and Six Sigma (Lean) in the early 2000’s it was about ‘mobility’ and then ‘Agile’ and the latest is around Digital Transformation or User Centered Design.
Please do not misunderstand, I believe each and every one of those efforts has value. Where the value disappears is when a leaders (managers) of an organization stands in front of a group of people and says Our Business is going to become <insert the words above>. That is effectively the starting point of the failure to actually achieve that outcome.
There are a number of reasons for that, but essentially it represents a fundamental belief that 1) This is a staff problem 2) This is a training problem 3) Leadership is not integral to the change 4) Change is not something the organization can easily do or is skilled at doing.
There has long been a saying, ‘people are our greatest asset’. That saying is quickly sidelined when a buzzword is rolled out in business journals promising to solve all that ails the company, if you will only switch to/convert to/implement the New and Improved Program #FixaWhatzit!
I have been consulting and working with companies on improving their process and ability to deliver on their strategy for years. I have done all of the processes mentioned above plus many many more, the simplest advice I can give you is: “Change your buzzwords into actions your employees take, and values that guide their decisions as a result of the learning you bring to them”.
Businesses are not #Agile.
Businesses are not #lean.
Businesses are not #innovative.
Businesses are not ANY VERB.
Businesses, for better or worse are a collection of processes, tools, policies and maybe some products AND their people.
Apple was seen as very #innovative just a few years ago. This week they wiped off a ‘Facebook’ worth of value from their stock price. Was Steve Jobs the only person in the company that could innovate, and after he left, the company lost its ability to innovate’? If the company was innovative, how could that be? The company is still #Apple!
The truth is that only people can be <insert the words above>!
People are #Agile.
People are #lean.
People are #innovative.
ONLY People can do ANY VERB.
If you want your organization to be #Agile, or #Learning, or #Collaborative or #Lean or #Innovative or anything else, your people, and the values of your company must support these things inherently. The Company must not only reward these things, they must promote them, instill them, train and teach them. They must become part of the Company’s DNA. If people don’t say “That’s just the way we do things around here” then you are not that! Just as a company cannot forsake their #strategy for their #mission, nor their #mission for their #strategy they must BOTH be tended to with care and #intentionality!
Only when leadership or the vast majority of the people in the company AND the values, stated or otherwise, support these things will the company appear to mimic them.
Microsoft today is a great example of a leader recognizing the need for a shift in their culture to position themselves for the future. Their turnaround in culture over the last few years has been astonishing, and it started with Mr. Nadella making significant values changes. Compare the following:
Microsoft circa 2002:
Vision: Empowering people through great software – any time, any place and on any device
Values: Great People with Great Values
- Delivering on our mission requires great people who are bright, creative and energetic, and who share the following values:
- Integrity and honesty
- Passion for customers, partners, and technology
- Open and respectful with others and dedicated to making them better
- Willingness to take on big challenges and see them through
- Self critical, questioning and committed to personal excellence and self improvement
- Accountable for commitments, results, and quality to customers, shareholders, partners and employees
Microsoft circa 2018:
Vision: We believe in what people make possible
Our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.
Values: What we value
- Innovation
- Diversity and inclusion
- Corporate social responsibility
- Philanthropies
- Environment
- Trustworthy Computing
When managers were writing goals and objectives for their organization, you could almost write them from the values statements in the 2002, they were measurable, they were definitive, and they were targeted.

Today, the leaders of the organization probably talk to their people about how they will fulfill the promise of the company #values and how that achieves their mission and their strategy, not in HOW they work, but WHY they are working. The Agile words, the innovation words come from our why, not our how. Businesses, specifically their leaders, can articulate their why but only their people can deliver it!
As you enter 2019 and commit to change and bringing value to your company or clients, take some time to understand your why.
If you struggle with this, don’t get down, you have been conditioned since entering the workforce in terms of outputs, instead of outcomes. It might take some time to reprogram your mind around this. When it happens, your decisions, and more importantly your conduct will reflect these things and that is truly where your potential will be unleashed.
If you struggle with trying to do this for your company, or your clients, you can practice with your family.
I value safety for my family. (outcome)
To achieve that I will: (outputs)
- Learn CPR
- Practice fire drills
- Teach my children their home address and how to call 911
In my next post (hopefully the next one) I will discuss Objectives and Key Results. A way to ensure you are aligning your strategy and mission, to your execution. This process should help ensure that you stay focused on the outcomes, not the outputs, and if you have your values aligned toward achieving those outcomes, you are already ahead of many companies today!
Good luck to ending 2019 with all you are willing to accomplish!
Remember, you do not teach Agile, you teach people! Only through #learning, can we truly guarantee that tomorrow will be better!
Some Coaching/Consulting Tips
As an apology for failing to keep up with some blogging, I am re-posting from a private blog where I had been active and sharing some other insights!
Hopefully these is some value in sharing some materials/books/articles videos that I use, read, found helpful etc. If you don’t find these valuable let me know, I will avoid posting things like this in the future, but I often refer new agile coaches and leaders to review some of this content.
The Box Of Crayons Website and the book The Coaching Habit. The book is an easy read/listen, and even if you are not a coach, you will probably find value, especially as it relates to resistance to your efforts, whether they be sales related or helping bring about #Kaizen (good change)
Above the Line – Keep yourself there! (Just watch the video, it is 3:35)
Zig Ziglar (Having some good one liners, or wisdom is always great!) Video 2
Advice from Einstein to his son on how to learn fast: I am very pleased that you find joy with the piano. This and carpentry are in my opinion for your age the best pursuits, better even than school. Because those are things which fit a young person such as you very well. Mainly play the things on the piano which please you, even if the teacher does not assign those. That is the way to learn the most, that when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don’t notice that the time passes. I am sometimes so wrapped up in my work that I forget about the noon meal. . . .
Free Daily (Technology & others) Books
I hope these provide you as much value as they have provided me over the years!
No challenge is too large for the mind or the will of men!
Every day when we come to the office we tend to get bogged down in the minutia of the day. Email, Instant Messages and Phone calls take our time in between meetings. We stay busy and work extra to keep up with the daily barrage of information.
Yesterday was June 6, and it was the D-Day anniversary, one of the greatest challenges ever faced by mankind, the liberation of Europe from a heavily fortified enemy by the Allied Forces. The History channel summarizes it this way:
During World War II (1939-1945), the Battle of Normandy, which lasted from June 1944 to August 1944, resulted in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany’s control. Codenamed Operation Overlord, the battle began on June 6, 1944, also known as D-Day, when some 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily fortified coast of France’s Normandy region. The invasion was one of the largest amphibious military assaults in history and required extensive planning. Prior to D-Day, the Allies conducted a large-scale deception campaign designed to mislead the Germans about the intended invasion target. By late August 1944, all of northern France had been liberated, and by the following spring the Allies had defeated the Germans. The Normandy landings have been called the beginning of the end of war in Europe.
In context our daily challenges certainly seem small, but they are not inconsequential to us! They are the problems we have to deal with every day!
If you have never read the book by Stephen Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, it is certainly worth a read, even if you read the cliff notes version.
One of the key paradigms he talks about in the book is effective time management via prioritization. He uses a simple grid (shown below) to demonstrate how we can get caught up in the output but not focus on the outcome. This is a key difference in the agile mindset. Teams need to be focused on the outcome, not necessarily the output. To that end we must focus a great deal of time and energy on limiting our Work in Process and focusing on delivering the things that bring the MOST value first, and the things that bring little value may get done later. This shift in focus is very difficult to execute in the enterprise workplace because it is often hard to know what is most valuable and what is the current priority. Most of us tend to rely on our leadership to keep us focused on priorities. Sometimes that causes us to not deliver value, or to switch tasks frequently. In other words, we create outputs instead of outcomes.
Since this takes some time to master, you might try this in your personal life first to get comfortable with the thinking and effort it takes to use this approach. You might find that cleaning the garage gets put off in order to read that book that helps you manage your time better!
Knowledge and Knowledge Management
There is a lot of talk about Communities of Practice (CoP). You may have already heard about something called a Center of Excellence (CoE).
While the 2 entities have common goals and objectives and generally support improvement throughout the organization, they are targeted towards different groups and ways of interacting.
As background, it is important to look at how knowledge is gained, and how organization knowledge is gained and ultimately shared and managed. For the individual, a sample knowledge model might look as follows:
The DIKW model:
In this model, there is a representation of how an individual gains knowledge through a process of acquiring data and maturing it. This is a common model and provides a good basis for the value of Training and Continual Learning. Noting that application of Data and Information is critical to acquiring the Knowledge/Wisdom Level.
If you want to learn all about the DIKW model, there is an excellent paper in the Journal of Information Science, entitled ‘The wisdom hierarchy: representations of the DIKW hierarchy’ (PDF) and written by Jennifer Rowley of the Bangor Business School.
Organizations acquire knowledge differently. Typically through the acquisition of people or expansion of the existing workforce’s knowledge bands.
This brings us back to an earlier discussion about Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. In order to facilitate the knowledge growth in an organization the following CoP’s might be established:
- Product Owner CoP
- ScrumMaster CoP
- Leadership CoP
Some background on CoP vs CoE:
Centers of Excellence (CoE)
SUPPORT: For their area of focus, CoE’s should offer support to the business lines. This may be through services needed, or providing subject matter experts.
GUIDANCE: Standards, methodologies, tools and knowledge repositories are typical approaches to filling this need.
SHARED LEARNING: Training and certifications, skill assessments, team building and formalized roles are all ways to encourage shared learning.
MEASUREMENTS: CoEs should be able to demonstrate they are delivering the valued results that justified their creation through the use of output metrics.
GOVERNANCE: Allocating limited resources (money, people, etc.) across all their possible use is an important function of CoEs. They should ensure organizations invest in the most valuable projects and create economies of scale for their service offering. In addition, coordination across other corporate interests is needed to enable the CoE to deliver value.
Communities of Practice (CoP)
SUPPORT – provision of a network of experts from both inside the organization and from outside
GUIDANCE – a CoP can be entrusted to devise and document best practices, standards, methodologies, tools, bodies of knowledge
SHARED LEARNING – Except for actually creating formalized roles in a company hierarchy, a CoP does all the same things as a CoE under this heading, plus provides mentorship, apprenticeships, and access to external informal and formal trade groups.
MEASUREMENTS – besides providing measurements of efficacy, a CoP typically describes what measures are appropriate for the proper execution of the domain of expertise or trade
GOVERNANCE – in this one dimension a CoP differs greatly from a CoE and instead of managing resources, a CoP strives to refine and improve the domain of expertise itself. A central function of the CoP is to improve the domain itself rather than simply managing its deployment. A CoE for project management seeks to improve the deployment of project managers and the like in furtherance of operational targets, whereas a CoP would seek to improve the entire field and practice of project management itself.
These distinctions will serve you well as you plan to improve and harness your organization, and leading transformations into a future of unleashed talent to build your solutions.
In a future article, I will add some additional information to help you further these ideas.
What makes agile, Agile?
The early founders of the ‘agile movement’ we’re just people who had been involved in solution development and just spent time thinking about how they could do their jobs better. They spoke plainly and tried to use basic concepts that could guide their decision making and be repeatable.
Often in our daily lives we will tend to try to make ourselves look ‘smart’, ‘sophisticated’, ‘technical’, ‘innovative’ and so on. usually to do this, we end up sounding like a lawyer or a professor from university.
On a recent trip, I had a chance to speak to farmers from another country. In the US, we tend to see farming as a science now. We use chemicals and computers and computer modeling.
As I spoke with these farmers they told me of how important weather was to them, and their planning. The weather, or bad weather, could risk crops, animals and harvests as well as have negative and ripple effects on other planning. In fact, they spent so much time telling me about the weather it was easy to see this information was extremely important to them and they would not risk getting it from a trusted source.
Interestingly, as the weather report came on the radio in the shop I was in, I noticed no one paid attention to the radio broadcast. I found this really odd, as a tourist I was very interested in the weather too, and while I strained to hear and understand what was being said, they went about their business.
I asked the shop operator if he could help me by explaining some of the terms used in describing the weather better. The operator, in a heavy accent, said ‘Nye’, if you want the weather accurately don’t listen to that ‘Uni’ TV guy, call up the postman.
Without a translator, I felt lost. Why would I ask the man who delivered the mail about the weather? Did he get some special piece of information possibly controlled by the government to ensure mail delivery? Was this kept secret from people who’s lives and livelihoods depended on it? Why weren’t these farmers annoyed and alarmed? It was very confusing.
As I returned to the tour bus I asked the local guide about this odd conversation. The following is how it was explained to me, without the heavy accents and as little folklore as I can use!!
The local farmers had for years complained about the weather reports in the area. They had become so frustrated with the accuracy that they even tried to remove the weatherman on the ‘telly’. He used to ouch science and words to make simple things complex and accuracy and precision were lost as he tried to impress with his explanation of ‘how’ weather was forming rather than getting the predictions correct and timely. This problem lead to the ‘need’ for someone to step in and solve this problem. Enter the ‘Postman’
Every day, after dropping the mail, a local man would go home and consult several pieces of information and create a file for the next day. The file predicted sunrise and sunset, chances of rain, El Niña, La Niña etc, winds and interestingly the tides, and predicted time times, as well as previously reported reports for the dates and accuracy of the reports. Lastly of course was the high and low temps.
This man was not university educated, but rather spent time improving his craft through basic plan, do, check and adjust cycles. Over time, he had become a local celebrity. His passion for accurate weather reports, and experimentation with his own beliefs about what impacted weather lead him to form his own set of experiences and learnings. He didn’t allow what he had been taught to always direct his reports, but instead spent time continuing to learn and adapt this thinking. The goal was not the report, the goal was improving his own accuracy, incrementally, over time.
As I listened to the story I thought how agile of this man. He took his simple principles and followed them, and then applied the data he had to make his next set of predictions about the outcomes. He then recorded the outcomes, made notes about how his predictions had come out, then add any adjustments he felt necessary, repeated the process. Maybe that is really Agile, not agile.
What is your experience? Are you being asked and are you doing, the right thing, right?